IRL 2.0
The Intangible Realities Laboratory is delighted to announce a new phase of our development: The IRL 2.0!
We are preparing to open the doors of our exciting new lab space in CITIUS (Centre for Intelligent Technoligies) at the University of Santiago de Compostela. November 2021 marks a huge expansion of the lab from humble beginnings in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol, UK.
We have since grown to become a multi-disciplinary international network where the Sciences work harmoniously with the Arts. Our investigations strive to collaboratively gain new insight by building immersive and engaging artistic experiences which compliment and enhance our scientific research.

During the pandemic, labs and institutions across the world shuttered their doors, as scientists and artists did our best to adapt to working remotely to continue our studies.
The IRL remained active during lockdown, adapting our Isness co-located multi-person VR experience into a distributed format in which participants could dial in across the globe.
Part of this research was conducted from a remote lab node established at D’Alijo Retreat centre in the mountains of Northern Portugal.