IRL FOUNDER and research lead


David Glowacki is a cross-disciplinary researcher, artist, author, and activist whose interests span computer science, nanoscience, aesthetics, cultural theory, & spirituality. He has worked extensively in scientific simulation, and more recently in VR applied to interactive scientific simulation and visualisation. He is the founder of the ‘Intangible Realities Laboratory’ (IRL), a research group working at the immersive frontiers of scientific, aesthetic, computational, and technological practice. He is the recipient of several research awards, including a Royal Society Research Fellowship, Philip Leverhulme award, ERC grant, SIG-CHI best paper award, and more. Originally from Milwaukee, he graduated from University of Pennsylvania in 2003, where he studied a range of subjects, including chemistry, mathematics, philosophy, comparative literature, and religions. In 2004 he obtained an MA in cultural theory & religious studies as a Fulbright finalist. In 2008, he completed a PhD in molecular physics. He has published across several domains, including classical & quantum molecular dynamics, computational biochemistry, human-computer interaction, high-performance computing, computer graphics, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning & data science, digital aesthetics, interactive computational art, religion & power, cultural theory, optics, and scientific instrument development.

His artistic work at the frontiers of scientific simulation, interactive computing, and digital aesthetics has been experienced by more than 200,000 people on three continents, and displayed at a number of well-known cultural venues across the world.


  • Catherine Andreu

    Catherine obtained her biological degree and PhD in Neuroscience in Chile. She investigated the effects of meditation practice using electrophysiological measures. She has developed different postdoctoral projects at universities in Chile and Spain, recently working with virtual reality as a technology to support meditation practice.

    She is currently developing a project to study if numadelic virtual reality can be useful for people diagnosed with terminal illness.

  • Denis Protopopov

    Denis is an artist and creative developer working at the intersection of technology, visual arts, and performance. He holds a bachelor's degree from Smolny College and is currently pursuing a master's degree in computer vision. In IRL, he is co-developing an updated version of the danceroom Spectroscopy (dS) installation.

    His work has been showcased at notable venues such as Ars Electronica and the Hermitage, taking the form of websites, mobile apps, and games. Denis also has a strong background in teaching and curriculum development for STEM and the arts.

  • Harry Stroud

    Harry is a postdoctoral researcher in the IRL, whose background is in theoretical and computational chemistry. He obtained his undergraduate Master’s in Chemistry from the University of Bristol (2018), and obtained his postgraduate Master’s in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry from the University of Oxford (2019). He completed his PhD in theoretical and computational chemistry from the University of Bristol (2023), submitting a thesis entitled “Correlations Between Electrons and Nuclei: From Fast-Ion Conduction to Nonadiabatic Processes” in which he explored the dynamics of fast-ion conducting systems and developed a novel method for the calculation of rates of nonadiabatic processes.

    He joined the IRL in 2024 as a postdoctoral researcher, focusing on quantitative nonequilibrium molecular simulation. His interests include nonadiabatic molecular simulation, electronic structure theory, condensed matter physics, light-matter interaction, and nonequilibrium behaviour in molecular systems.

  • Luis Toledo

    Luis is a creative technologist, multimedia artist and experienced user experience designer, who is merging these disciplines across different research and experiments.

    He holds a bachelor's degree in information technology, a master's degree in multimedia arts, and now pursuing a PhD on VR interfaces and interaction.

    Currently supporting various projects in the IRL, like the updated version of dS and new interfaces in NanoVer.

  • Ludovica Aisa

    Ludovica holds a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Perugia and a master’s degree in Applied Physics from the University of Bologna, Italy.

    Building on her foundation in physics, she has specialized in Biophysics, focusing on the study of large biological complexes, integrating molecular simulations and computational analysis techniques.

    Currently, as a PhD candidate, Ludovica’s work is focused on applications of interactive Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Reality (iMD-VR) to investigate the intricate dynamics of proteins systems.


    Mark is a maker and creative technologist specialising in designing simple and approachable tools for digital creativity. Within the Glowacki Group Mark is currently co-developing the next generation of the NanoVer framework for interactive molecular dynamics in multi-user virtual reality.

    Mark has backgrounds in computer science, software engineering, and game development. They are also enthusiastic about self-publishing, the low-tech movement, and sustainable computing

  • Mohamed Dhouioui

    Mohamed is a philomath and a creative technologist. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer systems engineering with a thesis on Edge AI from the University of Sfax. His master's degree in electronics and telecommunication with a focus on implementing neural networks in embedded systems is from the University of Gabes, Tunisia, and his bachelor's degree in electronics and automatics is from the University of Monastir, Tunisia.

    Mohamed's research interests lie in the areas of machine learning, data science, and their applications. Currently his project as part of the IRL lab at CiTIUS focuses on developing AI systems for interactive molecular dynamics simulations.



    Rhos graduated with an undergraduate Master's in Chemistry from the University of Leeds (2018). She specialised in theoretical and computational chemistry during her postgraduate Master’s at the University of Oxford (2019).

    Rhos is now a PhD student exploring our perception of `touch’ and `feel’ in virtual reality by examining our interaction with virtual molecular objects in iMD-VR.

  • Sila Sobrado

    With a background in music and body awareness, Sila’s diverse professional history also encompasses event management, project coordination and language coaching.

    Since February 2023 she has been the IRL’s project administrator and on-site team manager. Apart from taking care of most paperwork, she tries to make sure all team members are content and the work atmosphere is as good as it can be. She also helps with translating and interpreting, and teaches the team Spanish when they're not too engrossed in research.



    Jonathan has been a PostDoc at the IRL since March 2019, with a background in bioinformatics and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. He is now working on developing NanoVer to get more biologically relevant insight.

  • Valérie Bonnelle

    Valerie did her PhD and early research career in cognitive neuroimaging at the Imperial College, UCL and Oxford University. Neuroscientist by training, consciousness explorer by heart, she found in psychedelic research a promising field in which to merge her interests. She joined the Beckley Foundation in 2017, where she has been co-ordinating a wide portfolio of psychedelic research. In the past few years, she developed a keen interest for interoception, embodied cognition, and the communication heart-brain. She is now researching the impact of the autonomic nervous system on the quality of our present-moment experience (in meditation), and on self-transcendent experiences. She will be exploring with Prof Glowaki and his team biofeedback-based VR designs to enhance contemplative experiences and train interoception.

  • Joe Hardy, PHD, MBA

    Joe Hardy, PHD, MBA

    Joe obtained his PhD in Cognitive Psychology from UC Berkeley. Supported by the National Science Foundation, he studied psychophysics, in an effort to understand how the brain processes visual information. As a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of California, Davis, he developed a number of techniques for studying the aging eye and brain. As Vice President of Research and Development at Lumos Labs, he led a team of researchers and game developers in creating cognitive training programs used by over 70 million people worldwide. He was the lead author of the largest randomized, controlled trial of cognitive training ever conducted, involving over 10,000 participants. Dr. Hardy has expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence intelligence, and is an accomplished data scientist. He has published 28 papers in the fields of psychology and neuroscience.

  • Justin Wall

    Lama Karma Wall is the director of Milarepa Retreat Center in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, USA under the direction of Guru Vajradhara Chamgön Kenting Tai Situpa. He also works as a numadelic experience designer for aNUma.

  • Till Holzapfel

    Till is currently finishing his Cognitive Science Master at the University of Osnabrueck. He involved himself in this field to follow his passion for investigating the human experience on a philosophical as well as an empirical level. During his studies he found VR to be a great opportunity to combine his acquired coding skills with his fascination for psychedelic therapy in order to design experiences that increase our understanding of human consciousness while also leading to meaningful live events.

  • Robin Cahart-Harris, PhD

    Robin Cahart-Harris, PhD, MA

    Robin Carhart-Harris founded the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London in April 2019. In July 2021, Robin moved to University of California, San Francisco, becoming the Ralph Metzner Distinguished Professor in Neurology and Psychiatry, where he serves as Director of the new Psychedelics Division within the translational neuroscience Centre, Neuroscape.
    Robin has designed human brain imaging studies with LSD, psilocybin, MDMA and DMT, a clinical trial of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression, a double-blind randomized controlled trial comparing psilocybin with the SSRI, escitalopram, for depression, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and a multimodal imaging study in first time users of psilocybin. Robin has a PhD in Psychopharmacology from the University of Bristol, an MA in Psychoanalysis from Brunel University, and a BSc in Psychology from Bournemouth University. He has published over 115 scientific papers.

  • Mike Chatziapostolou

    Mike Chatziapostolou

    Mike is an integrative practitioner working across the domains of Gestalt philosophy, creative technology and engineering. In seeking a deeper, experiential understanding of reality, he applies phenomenological methods and field theory as unifying pillars to underpin his research. He is an environmentalist, experience designer, a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Engineering and Technology and currently training as a psychotherapist.

  • Jamie Pike

    Jamie's specialism is in bridging and translating understanding between diverse modalities of theory and practice. He is an experience designer, drama therapist, facilitator, and master of making things happen. His work draws from diverse wisdom traditions along with contemporary human development discourses and is focused on system change through reconnecting humans to wholeness by engaging with both inner and outer nature

  • Melissa Warner

    Melissa Warner is a multidisciplinary researcher, educator, technologist, and artist working at the intersection of neuroscience, contemplative science, extended reality, and psychedelic therapy. As a Research Fellow at Swinburne University, her research explores how psychedelics and meditation can foster wisdom and well-being. In her role as Secretary of Psychedelic Research in Science and Medicine (PRISM), Melissa has supported Australia’s first clinical trials of psilocybin and MDMA. She also serves as Director of Cyberdelic Nexus and PATHS XR, where she creates immersive virtual reality experiences designed to inspire contemplative insight. A meditation teacher at Signs of Life Psychology, Melissa supports clients on their contemplative path to deepen their connection with heart-mind. Melissa has contributed to the field of psychedelic therapy training in Australia, designing and teaching short and extended programs that support ethical clinical practice and harm reduction. Melissa’s interdisciplinary approach at the intersection of science, art, and contemplative practice invites embodied ways of perceiving, connecting, and flourishing, in a shared pursuit of wisdom.


  • Pico Dog

    DIR - Dog In Residence 2020-2023

  • balazs szigeti

    Collaborator 2021-2023

  • Tiu De Haan

    Collaborator 2019-2021



    Researcher 2020-2021

  • Rebecca Walters, PHD

    PhD Student June 2018 - May 2021

  • Lars Bratholm, PhD

    Lars Bratholm, PhD

    Post-Doctoral Researcher Sept 2017 to Jan 2021

  • Helen Deeks

    Helen Deeks, PhD

    PhD Student & Post-Doctoral Research Assistant Oct 2015 - Sept 2020

  • Oussama Metatla, PhD

    Oussama Metatla, PhD


  • Alex Binnie

    PhD Student Sept 2018 - Jun 2020

  • Stephanie Hare, PhD

    Stephanie Hare, PhD

    Post Doctoral Research Fellow Sept 2018 - April 2020

  • Silvia Amabilino, PhD

    Silvia Amabilino, PhD

    PhD Student Sept 2016 - Mar 2020

  • Michael O’Connor, PhD

    Michael O’Connor, PhD

    Post Doctoral Research Fellow Jan 2019 - Feb 2020

  • Dasha Shchepanovska, PHD

    PhD Student Sept 2017 - Jun 2020

  • Simon Bennie, PhD

    Simon Bennie, PhD

    June 2016 - April 2020

  • Alex Jones

    PhD Student Sept 2017 - 2019

  • Stephen Ingram, PhD

    Stephen Ingram, PhD

    PhD Student Oct 2015 - Sept 2019

  • Ella Gale, PhD

    Ella Gale, PhD


  • Tom Mitchell, PhD

    Tom Mitchell, PhD


  • Joseph Hyde, PHD


  • Lisa May Thomas, PHD

    Masters & PhD Student Oct 2015 - Jun 2019

  • Robert Arbon, PhD

    Robert Arbon, PhD

    PhD Student Oct 2015 - Sept 2019

  • Robin Shannon, PhD

    Robin Shannon, PhD

    Post Doctoral Research assistant March 2016 - June 2018

  • Basile Curchod, PhD

    Basile Curchod, PhD

    Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow May 2016 - Nov 2017


    Collaborator 2019 - 2024