Atoms and molecules are the building blocks of matter, and make up everything that surrounds us. Much of the mechanics driving the natural world occurs at the level of the atoms and molecules, in a realm that is invisible to our eyes. We are accustomed to imagining molecules as they are shown in textbooks, leading to a false impression that the molecular world is static. Nothing could be farther from the truth: the molecular world is in fact profoundly dynamic, with its atomic and molecular building blocks perpetually engaged in a tightly correlated dance that depends on how a molecule’s energy field interacts with that of its surroundings. It is for this reason that scientists are fond of quoting Richard Feynmann's famous statement that "all of biology can be explained by the wigglings and jigglings of atoms".
As scientists have made progress engineering the structures of molecular systems at the nano-scale, a new fundamental challenge has emerged: namely, our ability to understand and engineer molecular dynamics and flexibility. Understanding molecular dynamics and flexibility – on the level of cells, molecules, atoms, and electrons – has profound impacts for our everyday lives, and allows us to make strides developing important technologies in areas like medicine, energy, and the environment. The NANOVR research program aims to increase our understanding and making computational predictions of the microscopic processes that guide molecular dynamics and flexibility, allowing us to predict, control, and design matter with atomic and molecular precision – helping us to tackle the environmental, energy, and health challenges facing our modern world.
“The IRL’s principle source of funding is via NANOVR, a European Union Horizon 2020 ERC Consolidator grant (grant agreement 866559), which aims to develop a new paradigm for nano-scale design, engineering, and simulation.”
Understanding the process of molecular transformation is hard in part because it involves complex 3D structures changing into other complex 3D structures. The latest advances in virtual reality (VR) often exciting new opportunities for visualizing and understanding the dynamics of complex high dimensional systems. By combining the latest in VR technology with the state-of-the-art in high performance computing [HPC], and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the EU-funded NANOVR project will develop a new paradigm for nano-scale design, engineering, and simulation. The project team will develop NanoVer, an intuitive software framework which enables both research specialists and citizen scientists to use VR-enabled interactive simulations to literally 'reach out and touch' real-time molecular simulations, steering their dynamical pathways in real-time, and then training AIs which can offer new suggestions for the microscopic processes associated with transformation on the level of single molecules. By coordinating a network of NanoVer 'nodes' across Europe and the world, this framework will provide a new way to understand the dynamics and behavior of complex 3D molecular systems, which researchers and citizen scientists can apply to a range of important and complex problems – for example the protein-ligand interactions that are critical to understanding the effectiveness of drug therapies, biochemistry, materials chemistry, & catalysis.
Free energy along drug-protein binding pathways interactively sampled in virtual reality Deeks, H.M., Zinovjev, K., Barnoud, J. et al. Sci Rep 13, 16665 (2023).